A SUPER GLENCARLYN DAYS WEEKEND is planned this year!! The neighborhood’s biggest event will be held May 31 and June 1. Fri. Night May 31 is the Community BBQ at Carlin Hall, where we will provide the burgers, hotdogs, sides and beverages for a $10/person $30/family. There will be exciting activities, an obstacle course, the moon bounce, the cakewalk and — back by popular demand — our famous 50/50 raffle !
Saturday morning June 1st will begin with our traditional Pancake Breakfast at Shelter #2 in Glencarlyn Park 8-10 am. $7/person $20/family. A Park Naturalist will have an exciting presentation for the children. After the Pancake Breakfast, head to the Library where there will be story time and craft making for the PARADE.
We will all meet at St John’s Church for face painting and bell ringing and balloons as we assemble for our Glencarlyn Day Parade. This year’s theme is “TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL PARK – CELEBRATING ALL SPORTS”. EVERYONE WEAR YOUR FAVORITE JERSEY, BALL CAP OR UNIFORM. Bring your ball, your glove or other sports equipment. Decorate your bikes, strollers, wagons. We will also have some decorations on the grounds of St Johns prior to the parade (look for information from Courtney Holmes about possible float building!).
We have some beautiful and unique houses on our Annual Tour of Homes. Tours of the Community Library Garden and Ball Sellers House will also be given. We will be collecting GCA DUES, $15/year, at the BBQ and Breakfast.
WE NEED LOTS OF VOLUNTEERS! The success of our many Glencarlyn Days activities depends on YOUR PARTICIPATION. We especially need people with TRUCKS to transport equipment and supplies to and from Glencarlyn Park. And WE NEED HELP WITH THE PARADE. SIGN UP using the
or contact Courtney Homes: courtneyleeholmes@gmail.com or Julie Lee: jfblee@aol.com directly.
Details on the specific assignments and the kinds of help needed will be in the GCA Updates. If you can help in any way, even if only for a couple hours, please sign up. Glencarlyn Days is the most important community event of the year! Be a part of it!!
A flyer with more detailed information will be delivered to your door a few weeks prior!